Hi everyone! I've just found out that there's an app for this website... but it's only available in the US?!?!?! What's going on with that? Freelee's not even based there! I'm just really irritated that other people, like myself, can't even get the a
Hey guys, so I have been struggling lately with what to buy and how much when I take my weekly trip to the grocery store. I want to keep it cheap since I am a college student and not to mention in the middle of corn fields so we do not have any place
I am a student living in hungary. I am very new to this lifestyle and I would like to meet some likeminded people or find tips on where I can find good quality fruit and vegetables. Anyone here, who is living in Hungary or around the Buda
I am at the very beginning of my Raw Till 4 journey and now I am wondering how much fruits I have to buy for the week. Usually I go to the stores once a week and I'd like to keep this if possible.
Now I don't know about everyone else but for breakfast I can't really eat a whole lot of fruit because i have to spread it out so it can last, so I usually have 1-3 pieces of fruit first up then a bowl of oatmeal with coconut sugar. Is that still goo
So I've been doing research on the raw til 4 lifestyle for months now and always wanted to try it out, but as I live with my parents and they are against it I wasn't really able to do that. But FINALLY they caved and said I could give it a shot, thou
I'm going to start doing Raw til 4 properly tomorrow. I've been kinda following it in the literal sense of being raw til 4, but I've been eating high-fat junk for dinner. I'm ready to put in 100% effort now. I want to kick tomorrow's butt (and the da
Hi folks, I am new to this lifestyle. I've never been vegan or vegetarian before. I agree that it is likely the healthiest lifestyle out there, and that is what drew me in in the first place.
But six days in, I'm floundering. Thanksgiving is right aro
so I started my transition yesterday and lets just say im going through a detox and its not fun I had diahrrea . my stomach hurt when I transition should I go all vegan or raw till 4 I need to know what's the best plan to get my detox over with I don
hey im abi and im transitioning over from a diet filled with animal products to a healthier vegan lifestyle on the fifteenth or sixteenth of November I hope this doesn't stop you from helping me cause I have no money right now and I have to wait til
Hey guys ;) for school reasons i find more comfortable having the cooked meal at lunch instead of dinner, if you have/had a similar situation, do/did you find big differences from raw till 4 formula? (I'm interested especially in the losing weight th
i have been high carb high raw vegan for 5 months and in the last few days i have been all raw... Just experiencing some extreme tiredness and moodiness that i didn't experience when first changing to high carb high raw vegan from a tra
Anybody live in or around Oceanside?? If so, where are some good places to shop to get fruits and veggies in bulk?? I moved here recently and don't know of any sources! Help!
Hi everyone! I became vegan in the beginning of august straight from the SAD diet. I am feeling very much like I am the only vegan in my area, surrounded by SAD eaters. Its hard socially but motivating at the same time. I am focused on becoming RawTi
I live in Australia and can lease land at various locations (as I have no fixed address), and am very keen to try a diet based on 30 red bananas per day plus other tropical fruits like camu camu. I have never been able to find a helper to grow vegan-
ive been loving and eating all sorts of animal products ever since i was born, but had just recently discovered that my body is intolerable of a bunch of food: dairy, eggs, gluten, yeast, soy just to name a few. ive been trying to eliminate such stuf