You do not have to waste your money on expensive specific products, that get even more expensive when the word "vegan" is slapped on it.
Learn how to use common cheap or FREE products, build a wooden floor, make your own natural hair gel, make your own laundry detergent.

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  • I don't see why not, it's simply adjusting you ph to the right or maybe over the right, alkaline level. If your body is out of balance like that then I would say you should right it, especially during pregnancy.

  • Omg is this safe for pregnancy?! I don't know why, but both of my pregnancies I allllllways had a bladder infection and I avoided antibiotics like the plague as they only ended up giving me yeast infections... Sorry if that's tmi but seriously this would save my life if its safe for preggers womans!!!!!!!!!
  • I was going to orginally document my wooden floor made out of reclaimed wood, but my room has been reclaimed by assholes and I got busy with other stuff. I don't even remember what it was. Anyway, here is a great tip for UTI sufferers. Two tablets of Alka Seltzer in water will cure a UTI in less than two hours. From someone who has had a kidney infection, it takes three days for antibiotics to kick in, and the cherry juice I was chugging did shit. From personal experience, alka seltzer worked in less than two hours (went to sleep and woke up dandy). Alka Seltzer comes in Gold Plus, which is the asprin free kind. Also, just using straight up baking soda might do the trick as well.

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Real dirty clothing detergent?

What do you use to wash really dirty clothes?I never had to solve this problem myself so far since my clothes are not really dirty but the lady I live with is trying to lower the amount of poison we put in our garden. So beside the usual ''organic'' detergent found in supermarkets these days, do you use any natural things as detergent? If so what?Thanks in advance for your time!

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easy hair pomade

hi! does anyone have an easy hair pomade recipe? i have very straight hair, in a pixie cut and need a natural pomade/gel type recipe to sort of give me some body and structure. aloe is great for about an hour and then doesn't get the job done. coconut oil gives a little definition but leaves it limp. i know there are products out there with tons of ingredients but i don't want to use them anymore.any suggestions?

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