Hi, the Raw Fruit Festival www.raw-fruit-festival.net will be held from August 28 to Sept 3 in Andalusia, southern Spain, maybe you'd like to join. Early bird discount if registration confirmed before June 1st!
Please tell me why eggs are not a good source of protein (besides not being raw vegan). I know they are disgusting when you think about what they are & where they come from, & I know they can harbor bacteria, & it is not animal friendly, & they are
My little guy is cloth diapered and I am finding that he wets through his diaper a LOT with the 811 lifestyle (which is awesome cause I know he is hydrated), but just wondering how people deal with this.
Please check out my YouTube channel FruityVegan Mama if you get a chance. Could do with some support and advice. Another video going up as we speak on healthy vegan snacks for children, how to get them to eat a variety of foods and mostly enjoy
My four year old daughter has a ton of cavities. They want to do a "baby root canal"! I know I need to re-mineralize her teeth and up her calcium and phosphorous.
The problem is she's a picky eater and I can't get enough plants in her to meet the r
I would love to work with raw vegan families that are looking for a person like myself who is a raw vegan/vegan personal trainer,chef and teacher(home school or tutoring). View my bio at www.karunaforanimals.com
I exclusively breastfed my daughter for nearly the whole first year of her life. Then I introduced some high-carb foods into her diet, including cooked rice and pasta and of course fruit. Shortly after, I started noticing her tw
My 2½ year old boy 'T' is slowly getting into this way of eating. We still eat a bit cooked, but he's eating more and more raw, and asking for bread and pasta a lot less!
But when we're around other people and their food, he hovers around and accepts
Can anyone offer advice on how to trust a child's intuition with regards to their appetite, when they want to eat, how much and food choices? This is one area I find difficult, as sometimes I feel as though my daughter does not eat enough in one sit
My nearly 4yo daughter is not always keen on a fruity breakfast, and seems to always prefer savoury over sweet tastes in the morning. It is difficult to get enough fruity calories into her in the mornings to stabilise her mood; she seems to wake up w
We are looking to find someone to help with a birth...here is the main thread with more details...if it doesn't apply to you, maybe you know someone who'd like to do something like this!
I'm sure it's a common concern amongst lfrv families. He's always been a little underweight according to growth charts, but I've never been worried because I know it's normal for vegan kids (he's low fat cooked vegan) and also my husband is Indian. I
Hi! I was wondering if anyone has kids who have been 100% raw since birth. I know kids are supposed to have a bit more fat than adults, so what percent of fat have you found works best for your children? Have you had any struggles health-wise or weig
I am trying to raise my 18 month old son Raw Vegan. I just took him to his well-child visit & they were concerned that he hadn't gained any weight since his last 1 yr visit (he did just have a growth spurt of a couple in. though). He is 33in ta
I have been trying to transition from SAD to LFRV since Nov 2011. At this point I'd say I'm only 60-70% lfrv (having a hard time keeping up on both eating enough and making sure I have enough ripe fruit in the house)....my one year old (1
Hello everybody, I am new in this group, I met a fruity girl from Mexico on internet and now we are living in Yucatan. She has a child from other relationship and now her daugther has adopted me as her father :). My partner has tried all the time to
so my son is 16 months old and he has been on cow's milk for just over 2 months now.
I actually started transitionning to the LFRV diet recently (90% LFRV, I have rice once a week and hope I am done with it), and I now regret my son ever t
I'd like to see about raising my baby totally raw. I know lots out there do it- but I haven't yet. My 3.5 yr old vegan gets a lot of raw but also cooked.
So far baby is still an all-raw mono-drinker. = ) But in a couple months here she'll be starting