The few.

The (often) rural.

The Midwest vegans.


I've often felt alone in my fruity adventure out here in the very middle of the Midwest.  Thought it might be nice for us middle of the country peeps to network :)

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  • @OrganicMark, I'm in New Brighton. I friended you did you accept it? I don't know any vegans besides my co worker whom I'm converting over to vegan ;) So It get's pretty lonely.

    P.S How about that Football game eh? MISSED a fricken 27 yard field goal! UFFDA! 

  • I'm from St. Louis! More like Lincoln & St. Charles County tho. I usually feel like the one around here that is vegan 

  • Another here from St. Louis as well!

  • Anyone happen to be around northwest Illinois?
  • Will there be anything going on in the Mequon/Milwaukee area of Wisconsin this weekend?

  • I am from St. Louis also!!  I never thought I'd see the day!

  • Just joined 30bad. Am located in St. Louis, MO. Anyone near me? 

  • Hey everyone! I'm from Springfield, MO... anyone near me? I'd love some vegan friends to talk to! :)

  • I live on the Iron Range in Minnesota. The lovely town of Hibbing!

  • New here and in Jeff City, MO. :)

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Anyone in the Chicagoland area going to Thailand next year?

Hi everyone, I am making a trip to Thailand next year, staying for at least 3 months, and would like someone to accompany me. If anyone else is making the trip next year, I would love to meet up and get to know you! I have never travelled out of country alone and would appreciate the extra security. I took karate, so it's a fair trade ;)Please message me here if interested, and/or my main email kmsuopys@stu.clcillinois.eduMy FB is Katherine Suopys Happy fruit munching, Kat

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Organize Woodstock Fruit Festival in NY

Hello everyone from the MIDWEST!!Sooo... I don't really know anyone from my area that is 801010 raw/rawtil4 or hcrv… so I was just thinking..Maybe some people from the Midwest would like to get to know each other and plan to go to the Woodstock Fruit Festival!!This would be my first year going and i really really want to make it happen. And it will definitely push e to go if i have others with me :)Im thinking that maybe we can do some Skype seshes/ conference calls .. you know, let everyone…

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