
I used to love to eat cooked spinach and have at times had raw spinach as a green for my salad but not as often as I thought I would - I find it a bit tough and tasteless to eat enough of it. But tonight after I washed it I started to scrunch it dry...and kept scrunching....Yay! Bruised spinach is tasty and easy to eat! It is also waaaayyyyy less volume so EASY to eat enough! Just keep scrunching wet spinach until desired texture is achieved. Yum :)

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  • Great idea!  Scrunching...then braising...!  Interrrrrrresting....

  • I love spinach,banana,apple smoothie :)

    • I stick to the baby spinach because I've read that it's lower in oxalic acid than the full-grown leaves.  Tastes great with all fruit smoothies, mango especially.

    • Read more about baby spinach versus the more mature variety... // http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=dailytip&dbid=265

      Does baby spinach differ nutritionally from mature, large-leafed spinach?
      Non-profit foundation providing reliable, scientifically accurate, personalized information for convenient and enjoyable healthy eating.
  • If you get the bunched spinach with it's long stems still on it, instead of just the leaves as it's popularly sold in bags and plastic containers, it's much more delicious...more watery, less dry, and a better taste...almost salty, not so dry and bitter.  Give it a try...the stems are the best part!!  :)

    • I will have another look at the bunched rather than the loose leaves but as i think about it they always look like much older leaves? 

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