This is just a a totally open group where everyone can get everything they want off their chest about their life and pursue life to personal happiness and satisfaction.
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  • I know maybe this is off-topic, but i want to get past missing my ex. things ended badly and we don't talk. he was the best friend i ever had and now we have nothing. it still tears me up inside. i just needed to say this to someone and hate doing these things on Facebook.  thanks for the support. xo

  • I am 17 and this lifestyle has changed my life for the better in every way possible. I am so happy! But I'm going to be a senior soon, and I am dreading college. I am a good student, but it is so stressful and I don't have the time I would like to invest in my health. I don't want to go to college and be studying all the time and working for minimum wage...I know this is normal in modern society but I don't think it should be. I want to be able to get outside and exercise and eat fruit and take care of myself properly...but I don't know what I can do without college since it is required for any decent job. I don't want to be paying off college tuition into my 30s...I am trying to research alternatives to college but I'm not coming up with much. Please help if you have any advice/experience!

  • I want to live my life simply and freely. I want to be able to travel as I please and eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. I want to help others, possibly travel to country's where it's needed. My goal is to get income from online so I can have the freedom I want. I know many of my family members and friends won't agree with this, but I don't care. I want to make the best of my life and that doesn't evolve unhealthy food, negativity, media propaganda. I still have a lot to change about myself and discover. So far on this lifestyle I feel more connected with my creator. I'm looking forward on the path he's taking me. Also I'm looking forward to meeting people who think the same way as me.

  • I would like to change my attitude... this uni year (last 3 weeks now) is the most important time in my education (MSc) and I cant find motivation/concentration/determination to study. 

    Any good techniqes? 

  • You will stop, trust me. I stopped at the New Year as an obsessive social smoker. If you're 811, you start to feel cleaner and cleaner so that smoking becomes obsolete. Other times I had quit smoking, I still thought how I actually really enjoyed it. Now I couldn't even inhale. Most of my friends still smoke sadly. When they do it in front of me, I dread this. The smell has never irritated me this much since before I started and I just want to gag and this is not in any way me being dramatic. I am sure my lungs have a lot of work ahead. But chest pains are gone. Try 811 for say 10 days- even if you go back to cooked vegan you will have felt so good that you'll never want to poison yourself that way again. You will get a lot of support on here so come knocking!
  •   I am addictive....And extreme....obsessive and compulsive. UP down..over analytical and emotional. Harsh and sensitive simultaneously....I'm narcissistic, egotistical, judgmental, and arrogant.  I am selfish and I do not treat others like I want to be treated.....I pick my nose and fart out loud.....

        On any given day I can be any of these things.  One at a time or all at once...These attributes make me who i am.....I have a longer list of good attributes that balance the bad....I pray that my desire to change is constant...and that the direct opposites of the bad attributes shine through more regularly..

  • Melissa. Adolescence is a word that means 'to suffer'. I want to let you know that you are far from alone, and that the light inside of you wanting to come out and promote a peaceful paradise is all that you need to hold on to. You are not a failure for being addicted to junk food. We all must overcome these things, which is why we're here on earth! Much love, message me if you want some support from someone who's BEEN there! 

  • I just want to get over this frickin' junk food addiction already because it's ruining my life. I wish i had enough power and money to leave my abusive home environment(I'm 17)to a simple life of the best fresh ripe fruits and sweet&savory tender leafy greens. I would love to get out of this anhedonia i've had for months now. It's really just ruining every aspect of my life, esp. all my relationships, and makes my food addiction 10x worse. All i really want is to be happy and to feel something,atleast a spark of true happiness for once in my life. I'm literally hanging from the top of the himalyas by a piece of broken string-i'm so close to just giving up on life. I can't continue writing this. Sorry if this made anyone depressed. I'm going to add this comment anyways cause somethings telling me i should. here goes nothing...

  • Probably be part of a supportive tribe family structure. Any chance we can create a 811 banana republic ?

  • I want to clear up my skin permanently. I want to stop taking out my aggravations in an aggressive way at the people I love and stop bottling things up until they explode. It's not fair to the ones I love. I want to release my insecurities attached to the way I look. I want to finish school and find something to do as a career that I love! :)

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Things You want to Change about Your Life

Okay, I'll start and be totally open and honest1) First, I want to move somewhere warmI am tired now of the cold. I live in New York and just snowed here and it's almost April.But this fine, because there is a very good chance I'm moving to South Florida by year's end, because one of my family members may be moving there and will definitely allow me to go with her. Before I tell my other needs, let me give some background.I'm a pretty devout Christian, and being so, it kind of isolates me from…

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