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  • Hey hon!  Sorry I haven't really checked this site in a while :)  Yay Chicago!  Unfortunately I moved away to Vermont last year, but I definitely miss the city sometimes!  What neighborhood do you live in?

  • Hey Mary, how are you?
    Thanks for the friendship :) 
    Hope all's well!
    M+J xx

  • Hi there, yes here's the link:

    I'd love for you to share bulk recipes! It's a topic that has merit since so much of what's found dived comes in vast quantities of a single item, as I'm sure you always see.

    I've been laying low for a while...the whole family got a cold, what a drag! I've quite literally never eaten so many oranges; about 80 lbs in a few days. Fortunately they're cheap at the local produce store, but I usually score lots of them dived too. So I know what to do with 2,000 oranges, hah!

  • Mary,

    I sent you a request of friendship and peace.  I believe that we have the same goals in mind regarding human rights and fighting sexism.  I am sorry if you misunderstood my words in that discussion. 

    I hope that we can start again fresh and work together towards our common goals of making this world a better place.

    You can PM me, and we can talk more if you like.

    Peace, PK

  • Hey, your recent finds are amazing! It really is amazing how well you can eat from dived stuff--we can feed our whole family great stuff.

    I was wondering if you can add to a couple discussion pieces I started. One of them is called "store employees," and a lot of people are hesitant about that part.

    Also, there is one called "What to do with 2,000 grapes" which is a discussion aimed at recipes of bulk items, which is an area that particularly interests me. Since dived items usually come is crazy quantities, I'd like ideas on what to do with bulk tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.

    And my diver friend is Rocky--he and his wife just had a baby! But he lives in the city and would be interested in hearing about what you've got going on. I think his wife Sophia is vegan. Tell him Tania and Chris gave you his number and that you're looking for a connection with divers in the city. I will try to call him today and give a heads-up that you'll be in touch. His number:  773-213-4446

    I'm so happy about your dives! They really change the landscape of your thoughts, don't they? Diving isn't just something I do when we need more food. It also feels important to rescue that stuff and re-home it.

    Have a lovely day!!


  • Hi new friend!!! = )

  • Wow, you look so amazing! Very vibrant and happy :)


  • haha welcome back!  i definitely want to plan a fruit event for chicagoans when it gets a bit warmer.  i'm recruiting you for advice!  

  • So glad to "meet" someone from the city!

  • :D

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