Identify edible weeds and other edible plants in your area.
191 Members

Objective of this group

Hmmm, I created this group because I would like to learn about this topic, which I believe is very different from foraging. My vision here is to share tips and links to identify clearly the wild plants that can be eaten, depending on which area of the world you live in. The tips could be used for survival purposes but would not be limited to them...

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  • 8193604454?profile=original8193603898?profile=originalSo what the clip clop is this weed? I've been tearing it out of my yard because its been taking over like crazy. One pic is preflower and the other is when its budding. It has a sharp peppery smell.

  • I found some wild growing raspberries and there is a ton of dill growing everywhere in my area.

    I wanted to transplant a raspberry bush to my front yard but last time I was there I nearly literally stumbled over an alligator haha.

  • I just built this website for a guy who makes wild edible playing cards: These can come in handy for learning your wild edible plants.

  • feels good to be wild and freeE :)

  • Finally have some dandelions I can juice.  Also a few kale plants from last year popped up.  I like picking food that kinda grows wild. I always assume the food I grow and the wild food has way more nutrition/bacteria then anything I buy in a store. And no chemicals .

  • Atlast! Nettles and other wild edibles are out in the nature again. Love when I can go outside picking what I need for my smoothies and meals. 

  • Madrone fruits, eatable.

  • 8193338083?profile=original

  • 8193338058?profile=originalDoes anyone know what type of fruit is this? I just picked them up outside of the office :) It tastes sweet and sour. The skin is yellow orange, lizard like, hard when it is unripe. It turns to red, soft, when is ripe. 

  • Yeah I'm excited for lunch to! I have Purslane, Malibar Spinach, Lemon Balm, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Arugala.. Use some stuff for green drink.. salad.. :-) GreenFun! 

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Edible Flowers

I posted this in the forum, but I thought I would post it here as well, since it is on topic!  :)I read that the great apes eat flowers as a portion of their diet.  I also read that most flowers are edible!  Cool!  Does anyone eat flowers or do you know which ones are edible or not edible?I think they could add some good nutrition - just like some people eat bee pollen, you could get the same thing from eating the pollen in the flowers.  I don't know too many edible flowers.  Obviously you'd…

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List of edible Weeds

A good way to start would be to all make lists of what we already know to be common weeds that are edible.Photos would also be helpful, but not essential, that is something that those that are committed can go out and research for themselves (if they don't already know exactly what the common weed already is) once they have the name.Some of the ones that have been mentioned so far are- Nettles- Dandelion- Purslane- Young grape leavesPlease continue...I'm trying to get my hands on a copy of…

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9 Replies