Edible Flowers
I posted this in the forum, but I thought I would post it here as well, since it is on topic! :)I read that the great apes eat flowers as a portion of their diet. I also read that most flowers are edible! Cool! Does anyone eat flowers or do you know which ones are edible or not edible?I think they could add some good nutrition - just like some people eat bee pollen, you could get the same thing from eating the pollen in the flowers. I don't know too many edible flowers. Obviously you'd…
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I found some wild growing raspberries and there is a ton of dill growing everywhere in my area.
I wanted to transplant a raspberry bush to my front yard but last time I was there I nearly literally stumbled over an alligator haha.
I just built this website for a guy who makes wild edible playing cards: http://www.badgettwebdesign.com/portfolio/wild-edible-cards/ These can come in handy for learning your wild edible plants.
feels good to be wild and freeE :)
Finally have some dandelions I can juice. Also a few kale plants from last year popped up. I like picking food that kinda grows wild. I always assume the food I grow and the wild food has way more nutrition/bacteria then anything I buy in a store. And no chemicals .
Atlast! Nettles and other wild edibles are out in the nature again. Love when I can go outside picking what I need for my smoothies and meals.
Madrone fruits, eatable.
Yeah I'm excited for lunch to! I have Purslane, Malibar Spinach, Lemon Balm, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Arugala.. Use some stuff for green drink.. salad.. :-) GreenFun!