Hi! Everyone
I'm working out for my body now
I want to be lean with muscle
For women, It's harder to gain it
So I'm thinking of having Protein Shake
What do you think about it?
Is it good for my body?
Will it interfere my digestion or somthing?
Any one take it?
Thank you
I get it now
According to Dr. Graham the function of protein is to repair tissue (summary). That does of course come into play when you are tearing muscle fibers through exercise. The idea is that you overload them and then they grow back stronger than before. And as a result they are slightly larger. "Slight" in most cases being microscopic. So then how much do you need? Never more than 10% of your diet. But at 180(+or-)ibs I'm getting 70-80(g) of protein just from raw fruits and vegetables. I get more on day's where I eat rice, but I don't think that's benefiting me much, or at all. The last three weeks I was 100% raw and one week I saw one of the biggest increases in strength I've seen in a long time. So consider more the carbs and calories you need and let protein take care of itself. Also look up Erin Moubray. She's a fitness model that uses 811, and she looks pretty amazing.
Sunshine put it nicely. Our bodies don't use protein, proteins have to be broken down into amino acids, a lot of which gets turned into sugar anyway. Consuming complex structures like protein, complex carbs (starch), and fats instead of their simpler building blocks--amino acids, mono saccharides (simple sugars), and fatty acids-- will cause more digestive stress, stealing your energy. If you want more aminos, juice or eat more greens like alfalfa, parsley, cilantro, kale, etc. You can eat or juice sprouts too, lots of amino acids.
13Love <3
the way to build musccle is to work hard and give your body foods to recover with that contain all the amino acids , plants do.
that is why so many vegan athletes are at the top of their game because low protein high carb,
i mean look at freelee and Vee fiorre or any of the other strong fitness girls here , good luck and stay away from fractured food :)
This was very helpful. Thanks for posting.