GeoVegan posted a discussion
Jul 26, 2013
GeoVegan posted a discussion
Jan 15, 2013
GeoVegan posted a discussion
Aug 7, 2012

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  • Impressive page...I love your page very colorful and informative. Popeye caught my eye, I had a big rubber plastic Popeye doll way back when I was a little kid. Loved the way he became so powerful when he consumed that spinach. I didn't understand all the health aspects of this back then, however, as a wise kid, I knew there had it had to be a good thing to eat it at dinner time.  (Thanks Popeye :) . Gonna try to find that doll again somewhere and put Popeye on my desk for motivation.

  • How are you? I am in NY too and vegan as well. Connect with me on IG as rawveganlifter and on Twitter as rawveganathlete. Also my youtube channel at

    Ramona Cadogan
    I have been vegan since 2006 and been off meat since 2000. I became a vegan because of the animals. I am a vegan Olympic weightlifter that offers per…
  • Thank you! This weekend wa rough and fell off. How have you been on this plan? Any success tips? Thank you! Missy!
  • Have to get this up front right away. I don't like bananas. They don't like me either and upset my stomach. I've been vegan for two years and trying to maintain the raw lifestyle since March of this year. My goal is to be strong and lean enough to inspire those around me to adopt healthier lifestyles. Basically lead by example. It's had an effect on three people! They're already eating less meat and go veggie around me.

    So it's exciting to be here and I look forward to meeting, or virtually meeting people!

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