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I live on Sunshine Coast, great place to maintain 811, I am learning about good nutrition feeling on top of the world full-time, what more do you want!? Doing nothing I hate, feels good to live active lifestyle,
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Nutrition and Athletic Performances, Grain Damage, 80/10/10 Diet - all by Dr. Doug Graham The China Study - by T. Colin Campbell SAS Survival Handbook - by John "Lofty" Wiseman Tao of Jeet Kune do - Bruce Lee
The Frugivore started this site to bring together frugivores across the Globe! Let us know what high fruit assistance do you need?
Keep learning from this site is helping me heaps.
The Frugivore Diet is a fruit-based vegan internet community which promotes a high carb fruit based vegan lifestyle free of any animal products. Our forum does not tolerate encouragement of anything contrary to this. Nor do we allow endorsement of non-vegan items or practises which involve the imprisonment, exploitation, abuse or murder of sentient beings. We also require our members to post with proper netiquette. Therefore, please indicate your intention:
I will comply because I like totally agree with all this
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Hej pozdrav ;)
Pošiljam ti zanimiv video - u bistvu je to projekt na katerem delamo :). Užiwej ob ogledu in ga deli z družino, znanci in prijatelji :D
in še naša spletna stran: www.remakingthefuture.com
Lp, Žiga
Pozdravljen Aleš! Vidim, da živiš in delaš v Avstraliji. Ker sama nameravam drugo leto naredit isto bi te prosla ko vidiš to sporočilo, če mi lahko posreduješ tvoj e-mail, kjer bi te vprašala par vprašanj o Avstraliji. Sicer pa, tukaj je moj e-mail: nastjapungracic@gmail.com Že v naprej hvala!
We had a meet up on the weekend with local raw food group and it was great because there are so many edible weeds around, basically everywhere I go I find 3 or more in the same aria and yes I was blown away with nutrition facts up to 10 times more protein and lot richer in minerals. So yeah I will go crazy picking them, good stuff too is that there are all different flavors, some spicy, some mild and can be eaten on its own. And the best of all, FREE, just the mater of going for a walk into the nature. So now I can basically just worry about stocking up on bananas (today I got 40 kilos = 274 bananas) hope it will last me a week and get heaps of weeds, how good is that, I am stoked.
Yeah, who is to say that only commercially grown vegetables are suitable for us.
How are you going Marina, I can see that you are keeping yourself busy.
I think that is great! I listened Sergei Butenko on wild edible weeds and it seems that they are so much more nutritious!
That is a good point, maybe go have my blood tests done to see haw I am going. With adding soil to the smoothies (small quantities) I don't think that would taste bad, you probably wouldn't even feel it. When I get some lettuce from the garden I just eat them unwashed. I don't to go to supplements of b12, what about you, do you do your blood tests, how do you get b12?
Hm... that is an idea! Never thought of it before... I would not really eat soil, it might be a better idea to eat unwashed organic fruits and vegetables. And when I say unwashed, I do not mean muddy all the way. I clean with my hand so to remove the extra soil, but do not ash it thoroughly.
Super! Slađana Velkov je super. Ja sam do sada držala seminare u Srbiji, ali imam onlajn program: http://biljnaishrana.com/
Ako razumu srpski, možda bi im koristio. Baš mi se nedavno prijavila jedna žena iz Slovenije. :)
A nedavno me je neki momak zvao baš u Sloveniju, kao hoće da snimamo jednu emisiju u kojoj ja nešto spremam... Videćemo...
Same here! And that is true: just be an example, and they will follow. ;)
Hey Ales! Ima nas nekoliko svega... dr. Slađana Velkov je jedna divna žena iz Makedonije koja radi i u Srbiji na podizanju svesti. Pored nas dve, tu je još njih par, ali uglavnom nemaju pojma o ishrani i promovišu visokomasnu sirovu, a bojim se da ... neću da grešim dušu, ali oni sami ovako ne žive.
Hvala za sajt. Da... trudim se... ima i kritika i ali zato i pozdrava. :))))