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  • Hey! Dr. Doug Graham will be speaking in London on Saturday 7th June 2014!

    Why People Fail on Raw Foods and How To Succeed Beyond Your Wildest Dreams!

    Come join us! 

    For more details check out our ever expanding UK community of Fruit Munchers here… or email

    Hope to see you there!

    Beastie x

  • Živijo, to se verjetno čudno sliši, samo a si bil slučajno par dni nazaj v Kopru? Ko sem se registrirala na 30 bad sem malo raziskovala kdo vse je tu iz Slovenije in v ponedeljek je nekdo, ki je podoben tvoji profilni, v Mercatorju kupil OGROMNO :) količno sadja, tako da sem pomislila, da je morda HCRV. Če si bil to mogoče ti, me zanima, ali ti dajo popust na količino ali kaj podobnega?

  • Pozdravleni rojak!

  • hi ziga you should join my group football/soccer players :)

  • Hello Ziga! Looking forward to rocking the world for the better together! I am mostly on FB: Jesse Bogdanovich, if you want to connect. 
    Wishing you a happy everyday ; ) ☮ ❤

  • Hi there, just want to you to know that's a freaking fucking nice idea with you guys moving to London to open the restaurant! Looking so much forward to come visit you there and hopefully enjoy some wonderfull meals =)
    Keep up your passion and smile your way trough it!
  • Hey hey, thanks for the Friend Request! :)

  • Hola!! thank you for the friend request .... hablas español??

  • Hi!
  • Hey there! Looking forward to meeting you soon! ♥

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