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  • May your birthday be filled with love and cheer!

    Peace, PK

  • danke :) grüsse aus köln!

  • hey anika! indeed, i am the only one i know. it makes me happy that you're into the radical shit as well. keep it up! much love!"

  • Thank you so much!

  • Freut mich zu hoeren das dir der blog gefaellt, und freut mich hier zu connecten :) 

  • Hey Anika,

    nice to meet you! thought we've not actually met.

    I have been doing 811 off and on since 5 months now. its been really rough trying and doing it as i travel a lot. also its not something my friends and family can easily understand. so its so discouraging. 

    I know i want to get there...atleast 80% Raw.

    it makes me feel good when i do it.

  • We don't ask people to pay before july, so feel free to create a profile on our website, to stay updated.


  • Welcome,

    I wanted to let you know we will have a raw fruit festival in Spain next September

    Maybe you'd like it.


  • Welcome! :)  Welcome! :)  Welcome! :)

    Check out All aboard the Banana Welcome Wagon! to read about how things are done on 30BAD and the 30BAD basics, including frequently asked questions and exceptional threads for information and inspiration!  

    Best Wishes,


    30BAD Peacekeeper

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