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  • Lurking thumbs up for Kodiak :)

  • Lol, I'm so silly, I got confused and should have left the comment for Annie about the Ranch Market and Safeway. Glad you saw it regardless, Annie! :) :)

  • Hey! Hope you don't mind me creeping, but I saw you shop at Ranch Market and Safeway. May I suggest Sprouts as an alternative option for groceries? I'm able to get 90% organic food there that doesn't break the bank. I find that Safeway and Ranch Market often have such cheap food but is often completely lacks in flavor and freshness, and as GMO food contains DNA of animals, I find these to be non-vegan options. Another great tip I have is KODIAK wholesale in Phx, you can get cases of organic goodness for pennies on the dollar, especially in Spring and Summer! Just some food for thought!

  • Hello,

    I live in Austin and was wondering where you were getting your fruit from?  I'm fine right now purchasing organic bananas etc. from HEB but it's not a long term solution.  Kristina has done awesomely well in Houston but I imagine there must be a better way than what I'm currently doing.

  • Welcome to 30 Bananas A Day!

    For inspiration and a jump start to your diet, please take the 30BaD Banana Wagon Tour:

    The 30BaD Team

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