Lemme Saunders posted a discussion
Oct 16, 2015
Lemme Saunders posted a discussion
Oct 6, 2015
Lemme Saunders posted a discussion
Aug 29, 2015
Lemme Saunders posted a discussion
Sep 1, 2011
Lemme Saunders posted a discussion
Apr 2, 2011

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  • Hello i read in an old discussion that you have a hiatus hernia and wondered if you've tried any ways to make it heal properly? I've been finding relief on this lifestyle however an illness/ strength training has made it worse again now i keep feeling sick and burping all the time :/ Any tips would be great! 

  • Hey thanks for the friend request :)

  • Hi Lemme!

    Nice to online-meet you!

    Hope you're having a great day :)


  • Thanks. It's called Ashiatsu Barefoot Bar Therapy, basically a Swedish massage performed with the feet. That's why I really want to strengthen my upper body, so I can do this type of massage better.

  •  Hey Friend. Your vid came at the perfect time. I'm going to start doint pull ups. Going to try the Convict Conditioning.

  • Hi Lemme, yeah on the other site they seem to have largely lost their focus. It's great to have all sort of different opinions, etc but it can get a little "scattered" as a result. Anyway, be sure to check the pinned notes here on ingredients supported here, how we do things, etc. so you don't bump up against the guidelines, as the focus here is a lot more zeroed in than there. 



    IF you find some of the things you really want to share wouldn't fit within the structure of the focus here, definitely a blog would be a good idea! There are lots of free ones and easy to use as well.

  • Lemme! Good to see you here! Thanks for the add! :)

  • Hi Melbourne 811er!

    The Melbourne community is about to transfer to a brand new Group on 30BAD. Why? We have had a few website issues with the current group, and the easiest way to fix this is to start afresh.

    The existing Melbourne 811 Group is due to removed over the coming days. Thank you for your understanding, and we intend to get things rolling as quickly as possible!

    Please join us at: http://www.30bananasaday.com/group/811-melbournians - for all things 811 in Melbourne.

    See you there!

  • Well I'll share my bananas with you then :-)
  • no, sadly she's not vegan.  she worked here for a year so unless she returns as a student, she will need to be sponsored or apply for professional visa.  she's busting to come back!
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