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  • Hi Mike!

    I'm excited to be meeting you at Woodstock Fruit Festival, I believe I saw that you are going? Hubby and I are soon to be heading for Costa Rica, he will go directly after the festival actually, I will join him later. Could you give us any tips on what we can expect fruit-wise, where to go, what to see, who to meet? We are hoping to make a go of living down there. So we'll be seeking out work and a city to dwell in.

    So stoked!

    Hugs and fruit,


  • Hello Mike!

    Thank you so much for you're reply! and for the update on the Belize farm. Still very looks interesting, even though it isn't 80/10/10 people running it anymore! :P I will definitely email! Thanks for also giving the best seasons to go, that definitely helps!

    Yes, I've heard that Belize isn't the worse off in Central America, but even though I've been to India and have seen first hand the extend of desperation our society has reached, it still gets to me. But I guess the only way to go about it is to be the change we want to see! :)

    Did you by any chance find anywhere else exciting in Central America?

    ALos as a side note (sorry tell me if I'm asking too many questions! ;)) have you been to Australia? I'm looking into it as a possible location to go and get permaculture/eco/autonomous living experience! 


    Thank you again!

    Have a brilliant day!


  • Hello Mike!

    I saw on a thread that you were WWOOFing in Belize and I was just wondering if you are still there/or if it's possible to WWOOF at the same place! :)

    I was planning to do a year WWOOFing there and Vida Clara looks perfect! But then I saw a thread were they said they were selling the farm! So I'm a bit confused whether it is still possible to go there? I'd appreciate any info! 


    Thank you so much in advance! :D

    Hope you have a beautiful day,


  • Hey man, could you send me a message about costa rica living, I was thinking about going either there or hawaii this summer for about 3 months, wwoofing though for free accomodation, have you been on any of the wwoof farms out there??
  • Thanks Mike, yes, check out Brazil - it has amazing fruits I am telling you!

    Now, just wondering about Ecuardorian visas: would it be easy to become a permanent resident there?

  • Hey Mike, where are you now? I wish I was on your adventurous path! You must be having a blast!
  • From S.L.C to C.R. ...(been there 2)


  • Mike the property is empty right now for about a month until we arrive.  If you are looking for a place to stay, let me know.  There is internet access, and everything else you may need on the property.  You are ten minutes away from the market and the bus system is really easy.  Send me an email at if you are interested.
  • Hey! I made it to San Isidro! I'm staying right downtown at a cheap hotel. Don't know if you'll check this before the market, but I'll be wearing a sea shepherd shirt with no sleeves. See ya tomorrow!
  • Mike - 

    I'm heading to uvita tonight, then either to orotina (tons of fruit, apparently!) or to San isidro for the market. It would be great to meet up with y'all, but it's seeming like I'll have to pick one or the other. I'll let you know though!
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