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I was quite ill and doctors had no answers for me so after months of running in circles and stressing over getting nowhere, I decided to give 80/10/10 a try. I have been following 80/10/10 for 6 weeks now and i am loving it!!! I already feel better and couldn't imagine going back to my old unhealthy ways (even though in the eyes of my doctors, my diet was considered very healthy!). However, I do need some help. I am an insulin dependent type 1 diabetic and I seem to be gaining a small amount of weight. I am totally strict with the diet and my fat intake is very LOW. Since the diet is high in fruit, I am required to take insulin for all the carbs. Fact! Insulin can make you fat. I am normally 113 lbs. and am now at 119lbs. Is there anyone out there with any experience in this area? I really do need some help as I want to make 80/10/10 my way of life but do not want to continue to gain. Help, please :)
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I'm HCRV already
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yes married
My favourite books/movies/authors/pastimes are...
Melodie Beatty, the language of letting go. Anything written by James Patterson. Forest Gump, all time favorite. Love anything peaceful outdoors,
The Frugivore started this site to bring together frugivores across the Globe! Let us know what high fruit assistance do you need?
I need help preventing weight gain while eating this high carb diet and having to take insulin for the carbs.
The Frugivore Diet is a fruit-based vegan internet community which promotes a high carb fruit based vegan lifestyle free of any animal products. Our forum does not tolerate encouragement of anything contrary to this. Nor do we allow endorsement of non-vegan items or practises which involve the imprisonment, exploitation, abuse or murder of sentient beings. We also require our members to post with proper netiquette. Therefore, please indicate your intention:
I will comply because I like totally agree with all this
Hi Rita ? really ? It 's a shame ! Why did they raise the blood sugar ? B12 raise the blood sugar ? I am sorry for you. So you are going to stop taking B12 ?
Well, I had 2 patches now. But the last one dropped because I have done a lot of running and I sweated a lot. Not very convenient !
I hope you are ok now !
Hi Rita ! I have got my patches and i put one yesterday, (during 24h). They say to put 1 patch every 5 days. I wonder if same day each week would be enough (more easy to remember) I did not feel anything more or less.
What is your way to do ?
hey Rita, i'll keep looking around, i have some info bookmarked on diet/plants/and diabetes regulation. I'll keep looking around and grab some more details. glad i could help. :)
For relaxation the meditation groups have alot to offer. Yoga is a very good path.
Here's the basic yoga one, pranayama: sit with back straight, eyes closed, slowly breathe in, hold breath, slowly breathe out, hold breath, repeat... Focus all of your attention on your breathing. If a musical ring manifests in your mind focus on that and if a beautiful light begins to fill your mind focus on that.
Hi again. I was just going thru the Groups and noticed a Type 1 group you may have missed:
Hi Rita. My sister is a Type 1 too so I'm very interested in how 811 is working out for diabetics. Glad to see that it's going well for you. As far as weight gain, perhaps eating less and getting the additional protein you might then need with grass juice?
I used the search on this page and found a zillion links. Here's 2: