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  • Hey Rob, just noticed your comment from December on my bike and trailer photo (here), lol! Sorry I missed it before.

    I really like the setup, 'cause the b.o.b. tracks right behind the bike, so no worries about turning or trailer width. It can be tricky to balance with a heavy load sometimes, but I've been using it for a year (car-free!), hauling all kinds of fruit, and have only eaten some gravel once. :)

    Do you have a bike trailer yet?
  • Hey Rob! I saw you referred to haystacks in one of your forum posts. =)
    I used to be Seventh-Day Adventist, and we would eat haystacks all the time! Once I stopped being Adventist, I used to say "at least I still love their food!" But I guess now I'm going raw, I don't get to say that anymore either! haha! Maybe it's inappropriate for a LFRV site, but I just gotta ask where you found out about haystacks! =D
  • Hey Rob!thank you its nice to be back you know!x
  • Hey Rob, thanks for the comment on my raw transformation before and after pics! I do plan on documenting more, I have some work to do on firming up my abs, etc. I want to take a pic of me in a bikini now, and then in a few more months to see my progress. In mid April I will be one year raw! DO you have any before and after pics?
  • Hey Rob. Freelee started the discussion for the before and after pics. I just went to her page, then her discussions, the changed it to view discussions she started. Here is the link:
  • Best BDay wishes, Rob!
    Any special plans?
  • Hi,

    Thank you for your encouragement, much appreciated!

    I hope you had a wonderful and sunny weekend.
  • thanks Rob :)
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