I can't come up with any breakfast ideas. I can't have 15 bananas because my parents don't even buy that many for a week. They'll never buy me that just for breakfast. Do you guys have any ideas that are good? Thanks for your help!
I am allergic to guava and paprika.
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Try explaining to your parents why you're eating this way :) I buy a 40lb box of bananas at FoodMax for $23 and it lasts quite a while (freeze any extras when they start to spot for icecream and smoothies!)
Bananas are really cheap in bulk, I'm sure most parents would be understanding and willing to purchase a box if you showed them you could eat it all and not waste any. Or try producing your own source of income to purchase bulk fruit for yourself! Good luck xD
Every morning I have a nutribullet smoothie. Spinach, apple, banana.
What are your options then? Are you looking to eat what is in the house or what to tell your parents to buy? If they won't buy 15 bananas a week I don't see how you can do rawtil4. I would see if your parents will let you buy your own food for the week, they can give a budget and you can find your own cheap food.
Maybe you should start buying fruit by yourself ?