hello 30 bad people. here in canada there is a 80/10/10 page on Facebook. recently someone asked how to get a copy of the book used or free. someone else told them it is available as a torrent on pirate bay. i thought it strange that the same folks post about how much they spend on dates and bananas when dr. graham's book is much less than their produce expenses plus his writing is the reason they are bonding on this facebook page over their health goals. i pointed this out and people became hostile with me for judging them. the person who recommended getting it free through pirate bay complained that they are poor and i should understand. thoughts?
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All's been said needs sayin', folks :)
I enjoy reading other people's opinion on the issue of piracy and I guess this conversation could go on forever but at the end of the day there isn't anything that can be done about the free flow of information that exists today unless the Internet ceased to exist which would never happen..
I'm a little on the fence for both sides because some people like to download things for free to see if they like it and then go out and purchase it anyways.. Nothing sucked more than when I was younger and went to HMV to buy an album just to listen to the whole thing and not find one good song.. I felt like I wasted my money.. But now, with the Internet people may download a book and if they like it will go out and buy the actual hardcopy. I personally feel that there isn't anything wrong with that.. But someone who does it not caring about the artist/author/creator getting paid for their talent then that's when it becomes morally wrong in my eyes..
I got mine from Amazon for 19.77, best investment I've ever made! I mean, it's not some phony supplement or "superfood". When you're done with in you can give it to a friend or the local library. That's a really good deal!
Also, I always get distracted with ebooks. I'd really prefer the physical copy. So if someone is concerned about the price, he or she should just get it used. I'm a college student. I've spend over $100 on a single textbook and it still hasn't been more helpful than one chapter of the 811 book in my opinion. (Maybe because it was a French textbook lol)
Some people just don't have enough faith in the diet to pay less than 30 dollars to buy the book. Maybe it's not their first book on diet. (For me it was) There are some people who have tried all sorts of fad diets with little or no results. I think it's more of a discrepancy of values- like you would see people driving a sports car but putting all sorts of junk in their bodies. I believe most people interested are capable of buying the book ( as truly desolate people will have little means of discovering 811). It just that they'd rather spending it on a new purse or watch and not some "boring diet book".
+1 Me too
I found his book on paperback swap where people swap books for free. If you really can't pay for it, there are definitely ways to obtain the knowledge without having guilt on your conscience and supporting piracy :)
Just a thought- isn't it about integrity and honesty? Isn't that all a part of a healthy lifestyle? We should want to be mentally and physically at our best!
exactly so
I gather it was the "inane" that did it? All I meant was that to me, the argument did not add up. I wasn't trying to insinuate anything about the writer. My bad.
My apologies, it was not in any way my intention to personally insult anyone. I will try to find less inflammatory adjectives in the future.
Great points Jon! :) My quick answer is... this is why we have libraries! :D We 30BaDers have done two organically inspired donation projects, one to the woodstock fruit festival and one to a homebound 811er for a new computer. If anyone lives near a library that does not have a copy and cannot borrow a copy perhaps we could do a donation to their local library.
Dr. D has to calculate how to make money and his book is one way he has decided to raise money for living which is not an unusual way to do it. There are people who put their books online for free, a couple of great ones are:
Underground History of American Education @ http://www.johntaylorgatto.com/chapters/index.htm
John Taylor Gatto is unfortunately struggling with money. I met him myself a couple of years ago and I can attest from talking with him that he is not wealthy by U.S. standards.
The following book is written by a lady from a very wealthy skull and bones member family and she looks like she does not need the money anyway:
Right click and "Save Link As"
Click here to begin download
File is 6.75 MB