Do you find it hard to be LFRV without NIGHTSHADE?
Hey guys!I created this group almost five years ago.I'm just curious to hear if you are able to stick to a LFRV lifestyle without nighshades?I find it hard at times, one has to learn to make some low fat savory dinner recipes, plus getting vitamin E from other sources.In the 801010 lifestyle people DO rely alot on tomatoes, bellpeppers, for alot of savory dishes in general. I have learned to make alot of recipes with other things.Much love to all you people out there on planet earthin infinite…
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Everyone should research nightshades more fully.. Many more nightshades your missing on here.. & I think you have them in your recipes & comments here in this group.. Optimal heath for all :)
I was picking cherry tomatoes for a CSA and every time the stem tip would break off the tomato we would have to either throw the tomato away or eat it. After a couple hours of picking I had eaten an entire meal of fresh, raw, unwashed, organic and bright red cherry tomatoes on an empty stomach for my first meal of the day. Later in the evening before eating anything else I had a nasty bowel movement that just looked like a bunch of curled up cherry tomato skins and probably a bunch of seeds, but I did not want to look that close. It did not seem as if the skins were digested and they reminded me of the sticky film that was left on my gloves after picking so many of them. It leads me to believe the toxicity of tomato skins and question the edibility of tomatoes, especially the cherry tomatoes that are not worth peeling to me. Furthermore, I cannot count how many times I have seen tomatoes growing out of humanure. That looks like evidence to me that the seeds are so indigestible that they can even remain viable throughout our entire digestive tract.
Im allergic to tomatoes :( NOOO I love the heirloom yellow ones the best :( but oh well
Have developed a persistent cough and wheezing lately and believe it is due to nightshades. I am currently reading up on the subject, journal articles and such. If glad to be finding answers, but am going to miss tomatoes and peppers!!
Thank you for this information.
here is an interesting page:
"An Apparent Relation of Nightshades (Solanaceae) to Arthritis"
Also blueberries and gooseberries have Solanine in them, apparently
So i found out about 6 months ago that 8% of the worlds population has an allergic reaction to the nightshade family...and I happen to be one of them, so this group made me smile :)
As far as I know, the main foods to avoid are tomatoes, potatoes, capsicum (bell pepper) and eggplant???
I would love to hear from anyone who has a similar story :)