great documentary on electro-sensitivity, cell phones/towers and how their micro waves stop the production of melatonin
RESONANCE is a sensational eye opening documentary which reveals the harm we are doing by existing in an ocean of man made wireless frequencies. Two billion years ago life first arrived on this planet; a planet, which was filled with a natural frequency. As life slowly evolved, it did so surrounded by this frequency. and Inevitably, it began tuning in. By the time mankind arrived on earth an incredible relationship had been struck; a relationship that science is just beginning to comprehend.…
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Arthur Firstenberg - 5G, Birds, Bees, and Humanity from Multerland on Vimeo.
Completely mobile free for, like 3 years or so.
Still alive. :)
Being 'unreachable' - always and everywhere - feels pretty good.
Glad to see there are some more likeminded fellows.
I just got a land line yesterday. I haven't had one in 9 years! And this month is my last with my mobile phone. Getting ready to go back into the dark ages! :D
WOW ! SO glad to find y'all ! Funny how we always think we're the only one LOL
I've never had a cell. I don't know how to text. When I borrow someone's phone, I always need them to show me how to use the complicated gizmo and then as I put it to my ear I try not to think about my brain getting fried.
Last year--this is total irony here--I took a job working for a raw vegan chef that was going to require facebook and a cell. My partner had been speaking up about needing a cell for his job, so we gave it a try. The job didn't work out after about 2 months (turns out the other requirement was a car and I didn't have one of those either lol), so to my complete relief I ditched the facebook and Cris got to keep the cell, which I never really used anyway!
I have 2 babes. People tell me you have to have one if you have little ones. But my parents didn't have any cells in the 70's-90's while raising us. Also, society is kind, and people on trains and buses and just anywhere have always rushed to my side if they see me struggling with something and juggling the girls as well. One thing that helps is: not having to struggle with a phone conversation in one ear and juggling the girls as well.
Of course, vanishing pay phones is a drag, but I stop at gas stations and offer the attendant $ for the phone call. So far, ever attendant has said yes I can make a call and no I don't need to pay.
As far as facebook goes, I found 30bad instead.
= )
wow - i thought i was the only one in the world who didnt have a mobile phone
love seeing all of you here !
When I decided to get rid of my cell phone, a friend told me "you absolutely need a cell phone." Translation: "I want the convenience of being able to get in touch with you instantly because I have no patience and can't wait until you get home so I can call your land line." I also got rid of my wireless phone and found an old-fashioned phone instead.
I feel so free without mine!
3 months phone free!! Only part that's been hard is trying to convince other people why they too can most definitely "survive" without one...