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  • Oh 9am that would explain why I didn't find it. I went around 6pm, but I had been sent an email that said it was from 5-7 pm. That makes a lot of sense then. jbproduce, will have to give them a call. Do you know any body else in the city who does this?  

  • No I'm just getting started on this journey, $20 sounds like an amazing deal for bananas. I tried to find and go to the farmers market yesterday but had no luck. I'm adjusting to the shock that there are people in cc who even know what raw means without me having to explain haha. I did have someone a week ago tell me about a fruit market on the west side of the city but they didn't have much info other than that. May be time for research

  • Hi, I saw that you were in cc too, and I was just looking for people who were interested in this too.

  • I've read that drinking juice isn't a good health practice. It's loaded with sugar and lacks the natural fiber that slows down the absorption of that sugar in whole fruits. Too bad you're not here in San Diego; I can get 3 or 4 pounds of oranges here for a dollar. Lots of other vegan bargains here too.

  • Actually, I am a beginner as well, but taking things very slowly.

  • Oh Rayla, my heart goes out to you. I pray that you will gather the strength you need to make this work. I know we will feel better in time. Keep up the great work. We can and will do this!!!
  • I'm over 55 too. Maintaining your health is even more critically important when you're older. There's a great book I'm reading now, called Becoming Raw by Davis and Melina which gives both the good and the bad about raw using up to date science. I wish more people would read it.

  • Cool! Glad I am close enough. Is your energy level picking up at all?

  • Hey Rayla,

    Thanks for the friending :) Really nice to meet you!

    Have a lovely day and take care,

    Esperanza xxx

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