Bethany posted discussions
Feb 21, 2014
Bethany posted a discussion
Dec 24, 2013
Bethany posted a discussion
Nov 1, 2013
Bethany posted a discussion
Mar 13, 2013

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  • Hey how is the working out stretching going?
  • BETH! HI and a HUGE hug! 
    i just saw your post in Jesus lovers unite and wanted to meet you. I'm a christian and love and am passionate about Jesus and have also been raw 801010 vegan for almost a year and a half now. I live in newcastle but my man is a sunny coast man and i was actually just up n driving through gympie a week n a bit ago. next time i'm up i'll try member to buz you n see if your around.
    theres some raw people up your way though have you heard of anne osbourne? shes one of the raw food pioneers who lives on the sunny coast n then i got a few raw foodies i know in brisbane that might have more detes on groups or raw people up your way,

    So lovely to find you hope your well and sending you sweetness,

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