Our community would be delighted to know you better. Please tell us more about yourself and what brought you to the Frugivore Diet. Detailed responses will only be accepted (feel free to reapply with more detail if at first not approved as a member).
I am a single mother living in the Netherlands but Hungarian by nationality. Healthy lifestyle always interested me. In my childhood I wanted to become a doctor to save lives. As a person though I always tried to avoid going to the doctor and felt if I eat the right thing, it can help me more than a doctor. With small sickness or infection I tried to use everything but medicine. I was always skinny, very skinny but a sport girl and more healthy than sick. As I got older I put weight on around my waist (172 cm, 60 kg with my fat!) and always had a big stomach so people stood up to give me a seat beliving I am pregnent. It happened so often that I got fed up clarifying the situation and just accepted the seat and was nodding how difficult pregnancy was in the hot summer. I also had acne on my face and chest, back. Terrible headache appeared, visiting me more and more often. First just for few hours then for a couple of days with such frequency that I started to count the day in the week when I had no head ache. As the frequency and the length of the headache grew so did the pain. I got up very tired every morning, wanting to sleep even by day time. Sleep was never enough. The depression was so great that I wanted to jump out of my skin. I met someone and told me about the candida (I've never heard of before) and did a three months of candida diet I was advised by someone. I began to feel better. The headache was gone and my mood was a lot better. I realized food means a lot. I have to say here I wasn't a burger girl or such. I grew up in a village and ate the fruit and vegetable that my parents grew in the garden. We also had our own pig, chicken. Everything was organic. I hardly had meat, was more a vegetable eater. At the age of 20 I flew out my parents' house but I still cooked my own food, still hardly any meat. Bread was always on my table, loved it. Pasta, potato, rice, vegetble was the main food, sometimes some fruit. Nothing was organic anymore, which meant everything was tasteless unlike in my parents' house, which meant I added a lot of flavour enhancer. Not long ago my flatmate's friend started a raw food diet and I tried it too. I started to feel better but I didnt really know how to do it properly. I had vegetable and green once a day but all I wanted to eat was fruit. I wanted to eat it so badly that felt like an addiction. I couldn't wait to grab my next portion. My flatmate told me I eat far too much. Wow you become a real pig. I also thought that is not normal to eat so much fruit. Sooner or later I become sick. And was ashamed to eat especially in front of my flatmate. I told her I work physically hard all day and I need energy but in reality I also thought I am a real pig. I started to feel excellent but I convinced myself all these fruit will lead to serious problem later if I dont stop it. So I was on and off my normal diet and raw food. I new raw food is good just have to learn how to do it properly. I started to search the net and came across this page. Now I want to try 80.10.10 diet and see how I feel. I'm determined to change my life. I also started swimming, doing different exercises, running, biking in the nearby park, practice positive thinking, even made a pic with photoshop which shows where and what I want to be. You can say she is already 40 but I say I am just reborning into my new life. Hope my English is good enough to understand me. Wish you all a healthy and happy life. News: having more and more success on 811:)
What is your gender? PLEASE NOTE: To enhance the community experience, profile pics of yourself are *REQUIRED* to gain membership. Membership will be declined otherwise.
Please tell us about your dietary inclinations:
I'm HCRV already
My favourite books/movies/authors/pastimes are...
I like thriller, comedy, true stories, witts,
The importance of being earnest (Oscar Wilde)
Doubly Jeopardy with Ashley Judd
Martial arts, swimming, being outdoors in nature, dancing, meeting people from different nationalities
The Frugivore started this site to bring together frugivores across the Globe! Let us know what high fruit assistance do you need?
Any kind of support, tip, or just having someone on the other end
The Frugivore Diet is a fruit-based vegan internet community which promotes a high carb fruit based vegan lifestyle free of any animal products. Our forum does not tolerate encouragement of anything contrary to this. Nor do we allow endorsement of non-vegan items or practises which involve the imprisonment, exploitation, abuse or murder of sentient beings. We also require our members to post with proper netiquette. Therefore, please indicate your intention:
I will comply because I like totally agree with all this
Hoi! Op facebook is er een hclf groepje voor Nederlanders/Belgen, misschien leuk!
(als je er nog niet bij zit)
Welcome and good luck! =)
hát én is csak a "sima" gyümölcsökre és zöldségekre gondoltam, bio az földi halandónak megfizethetetlen,arról nem is beszélve, hogy tulajdonképpen olyan nincs is, ha belegondolunk...
de én pl előszeretettel vásárolok nénikéktől, meg kicsit szépséghibás dolgokat...külön örülök ha néha 1-1 kukacra is bukkanok,legalább tudom, hogy nem nagyon volt kezelve...:P
én is csak piacra járok kb, egy két dolog van ami boltban olcsóbb...nameg ott alig találni rendesen megérett gyümölcsöt...
de jó híreket mondtál! :>
amúgy ott mennyire kapni egzotikusabb dolgokat? pl friss(nem aszalt) datolya? füge? datolyaszilva(persimmon)?
szia! :>
nagyon megörültem,mikor megláttam, hogy magyar vagy...és hogy Amszterdamban laksz!
jövő március végén szeretnék kimenni én is...szerencsét próbálni :)
Neked ott mennyire valósítható meg ez az életmód?
itthon sajnos most minden nagyon megdrágult...úgy szeretnék 100% nyers lenni, de most is krumplira meg hüvelyesekre kényszerülök a magas árak miatt...(szó se róla,imádom az ízüket, csak na...)
szívesen fogadok bármiféle infót!
szép napot!
Hi, I wanted to let you know we will have a raw fruit festival in Spain next September
Maybe you'd like it.
oh haha i just scrolled above and saw that you have your entire bio on there...still new to this site! I am going to read it!
Thank you for reaching out to me, I really appreciate that. I just started today eating 11 bananas, two peaches, half a cucumber, an apple, and then a smoothy at night with fruits and some kale with hemp protein! Honestly, in the beginning of my day I wanted to explode with frustration because I was frustrated with how long I have been struggling. After I started eating more and more bananas my mood lifted and I felt a bit more energetic and focused. It was weird, even if it was placebo effect, it worked. Tonight I am experiencing some movement in my tummy, I have been constipated for months! No satisfaction in that area haha...anyways, this sensation is different than the sharp stabbing pains I normally get, so I am going to drink some peppermint tea and hope for the best! This new lifestyle is hopefully going to change some things for me, I mean, I have restricted myself for almost a year on different ideas and diets that are all over the place. Something really bad that I am trying to battle is a habit of smoking cigarettes sine I do not drink at all anymore, and I had an addiction to pills, I felt like I needed a vice, something to lean on. I came home today and went to smoke and it tasted different...not good. Ok, I am talking a lot about myself.
How long have you been doing this and why? This online community of support is really amazing, and with all these people swearing by it, it has to do something.
Welcome to 30 Bananas A Day!
For inspiration and a jump start to your diet, please take the 30BaD Banana Wagon Tour:
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