Samantha posted a discussion
Dec 28, 2013

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  • Blessings Samantha!!
    Thanks for connecting here!!
    I will admit I only check from time to time, if hollering best at FB :)
    Hope your enjoying much PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

  • wow, your profile picture is gorgeous ! do you do yoga for real ? Im impressed

  • The nice thing about living in a climate where there are seasons though is a different variety of fruit that you can grow.  Like berries and melons.  Oddly enough, these are the fruit that are nearly impossible to grow here, and also my favorite.  I have tried on numerous occasions to grow honeydew and cantaloupe to no avail! What island are you planing to live on?  I live on Maui.  Ellen Fisher lives here actually, though i've never met her. She's a raw vegan advocate for raising children high carb raw vegan.  If i planned on living here in the future, i'd choose Kula.  You can just stick a seed in the ground up their and it grows!

  • the fruit is is pretty good if you know where to get it. a lot of people over estimate the amount of actual land used for growing produce, and under estimate the amount of people here.  produce here is NOT cheap.  I wish it was.  but i grow mangos and oranges in my yard, and they're great. and my uncle grow apple bananas, and those are great too.  sometimes my neighbor gives me papaya, and i pick star fruit from were my mother works.  so i guess i can't complain. the land here is definitely good fro growing. i wish i didn't have to buy produce from the store. >~< 

  • Thanks Samantha! :) Xx!

  • mahalo for the add

  • Hi, Sam! Thanks. Love the yoga poses!
  • hey thanks for the add! wow you inspire me to do yoga! =)

  • I'm glad to meet you, Samantha!

  • Hi Samantha :) I'm from Canada too, Windsor. Where in Canada do you live?

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