Our community would be delighted to know you better. Please tell us more about yourself and what brought you to the Frugivore Diet. Detailed responses will only be accepted (feel free to reapply with more detail if at first not approved as a member).
I love to Run and beat my p.r. in races. I also love to swim. I like going to the movies and I love spending quality time with my 3 kids. I need to switch modes from running races and start really focusing on my breath and maybe start Yoga one of these days. Would like to be with someone who is very caring and not harsh and competitive in all sports and everyday things.
I love to oil paint and I love to sing. I am pretty good at acting too, so I love that. I guess you could say I am a jackqueline of all trades and I never get the chance to master any.Oh, well, when the kids get older I hope!.
My main goal is too be the fittest and healthiest I could be. I love to feel alive. I don't do well with being tired. I am a very cranky when I am a tired person. I love being social, so the low fat raw food thing, never really makes it too far b/c everyone likes to go out to eat. Since the economy is bad now anyway, I am not going out to restaurants much anyway. I was married for almost 12 years and the last 2 have been up and down. I am now looking to be with someone more peaceful than who I was with before.
But I am starting a transition with going raw again and this time I am going to have more fat than 10% for the first 30 days, simply because if i don't bad things happen to me and my family doesn't deserve that much pain. I love to spread the love about 811 though, even if I am not following it 100% all of the time. I know we would have a much better(less smelly and more vital) world if everyone was 811rv. even if I just plant a seed(so to speak) in someone's mind. Who knows where that seed will grow and how many more seeds would spread if I do?
I also believe there would be less crime if people adopted the 811rv lifestyle..well, maybe not during the detox stage, but certainly after that! I am sick and tired of being sick and tired! Here's to hoping to be raw for life. Hope I could stick with it this time for good:) Wish me luck!
There is no question this lifestyle is the optimum. I never questioned it once! It makes so much sence! I just wish I never got seduced by the aromas of cooked foods. Ugh, that part is hard for me, I must say.
What is your gender? PLEASE NOTE: To enhance the community experience, profile pics of yourself are *REQUIRED* to gain membership. Membership will be declined otherwise.
Please tell us about your dietary inclinations:
Are you Connected?
yes married
My favourite books/movies/authors/pastimes are...
too many to choose, but to round it off, I would have to say I am a romantic and I love that gushy stuff and I also love love love comedy! I good comedy could lift me up on the gloomiest days. I also love good acting. I can not really tolerate bad acting. I love everything to be top knoch in movies as well as books. I recently read Anne Osborne's book called "THE PATH TO PARADISE"(SHE IS ALSO A MEMBER.) IT WAS FABULOUS! VERY INSPIRING ABOUT HER LIFE AS A FRUITARIAN AND RAISING HER CHILDREN ON THE SAME DIET. She is also very sweet, as I have spoken to her via skype.(but then how could she not be super sweet? All she eats are sweet fruits! She is what she eats and it shows!
The Frugivore started this site to bring together frugivores across the Globe! Let us know what high fruit assistance do you need?
I would like to get rid of toxic waste in the world and inside my body. My body feels like a toxic waste land.
I would love all the assistance I could get. I am an emotional eater and I eat from stress mostly and I go to the foods that used to comfort me.
I do realize that I am in love with foods that don't love me back. So, since I was great at ending relationships that went bad, I should be good at ending the bad relationship I have with foods. I think I am finally on my way, as I had gone through an entire buffet of bad relationships with food for 39 years. (That should be enough time to finally get it right)
I have struggled so much and I need to lose the last 20lbs and feel light again and love how I look and feel. I really could use the best advice out there. Anyone wanna take me on?
Even though I live with an 811 rv man, it is still a struggle. My husband had a progression. As for me, I never really got to the vegan stage. I need to just do this.
I am totally convinced that 811rv is the only way humans should be eating. I never questioned it, I just need to get on board and send those bad foods packing!
We need to get Dr. Doug Graham and his wife Rozalind , as well as Anne Osborne, Harley and Freelea, my husband and maybe even all of these members on The Oparah Winfrey Show. She would really get the word out there.
Anyone have a connection? Let's get to work and spread the seeds of love! Let's make this bigger than American Idol and all of the hyped shows out there! Who's with me? I am not the poster child for it yet, but with your help I will be!
The Frugivore Diet is a fruit-based vegan internet community which promotes a high carb fruit based vegan lifestyle free of any animal products. Our forum does not tolerate encouragement of anything contrary to this. Nor do we allow endorsement of non-vegan items or practises which involve the imprisonment, exploitation, abuse or murder of sentient beings. We also require our members to post with proper netiquette. Therefore, please indicate your intention:
congrats! i heard about your ultramarathon success accomplishment here:
in friendship,
Thanks Vic, for the answer, I was unsure what to do since a lot of people seems to have stopped using toothpaste etc :)
Hi Victoria, I'm wondering about tooth health, and what you do for your teeth, would love some tips :)
Hi Victoria,
it has been entertaining watching you grow through your achievements. you're probably wondering who i am; Well its Bryan, you met my family and i at the CEO challenge in Kona Hawaii after the Ironman. your wonderful husband bought me an. 80 10 10 book as a gift and i have been Raw and loving every day. Please send our love to your family and most of all tell Michael i said THAN YOU!
P.S. The fruit is good over hear.
Theres a DW talk coming up locally I'd like to attend to ask him questions and expose his bs. I'd like to bring 811ers, and I think you'd be quick on your feet and outspoken.
I could drive us, its coming up in the next month or so.
Oh and DV will be there too. I'd love it if you came with me and we kicked some ass.