Share stories and Actions to help inspire Unconditional Love and Kindness to sprout in Our everyday Life. By planting the seeds and nourishing with care, We can all be part of watching Love and Kindness Bloom and Flourish! spread the Love! Be the Light you want in the World!
What acts of kindness naturally follows on your hcrv lifestyle?
Mine are...I get extra happy&voice my appreciation when restaurants are able to serve me...I have much more Real communication w the people in shops...I Got to Tel my yogastudent this possibly is a solution to herhealth issues...I inspire my household to eat more raw
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Each and every chance I get [with the weather happily permitting], my client and I will take lavish walks/bike rides in the community. Whenever we cross paths with another passing soul, we will [well, more so I—as he is unable to physically form such a gesture or speak], we will greet them with a warm “hello” [combined with a waving hand] and a smile. In a perfect reflection, one has consciously discerned how immensely important it is to mindfully acknowledge the presence of another [inside our ever growing and chaotic world]—for others just want to be seen—we all internally do—everyone truly does—for it takes a great deal of courage, and a great deal of character to care. With a simple smile and a simple wave, it can speak absolute numbers and say so many joyous and pleasant things to another’s beating heart—it can genuinely turn ones dark day into a bright day. Not only does it make them feel appreciated inside, but it will also put a spark in your heart too! So this is what I do—this is what I gladly proffer to each and every human being—day in, day out—kindness, mindfulness, and selflessness.
We are all interconnected.
As you sow, so shall you reap . . . as you sow, so shall you reap.
Love is All There is... Love is Our Protection
A few days ago a lady dropped a bag while going into a shopping centre, I picked it up and ran and gave it to her. Sometimes something that would seem so normal for us to do is really appreciated by others.
a few days i was grocery shopping and an older gentleman stopped to tell me i had the brightest smile of anyone in the store. we chatted for a bit and this man was overwhelming full of kindness and joy. he spoke so well and expressed himself with loving words that stunned me when they can come from and absolute stranger. he said our encounter had bettered his life and i agreed that his compassion made a difference in mine. just remembering him almost brings a tear of joy to my eye. it was unbelievable. :,) the world truly could use more people like him.
“The only way love can last a lifetime is if it's unconditional. The truth is this: love is not determined by the one being loved but rather by the one choosing to love.”
― Stephen Kendrick, The Love Dare
"Fear knocked at the door, Love answered, and there was no one there."
I was dining at Whole Foods today, when I saw a bag rip open while a young man was riding his bike and all his groceries fell out onto the sidewalk. I rushed to the cashier and asked for two large brown bags and quickly ran out the door to give them to the young man. He was very appreciative. It feels good to help people.
"You may always want to have happiness in every moment, but you can always give happiness."
Author Unknown but to be discovered :)