Thought I would share my new favourite salad recipe with you. Its colourful and juicy - so it doesnt need any other dressing. I like to chop the greens really small, somehow I find them easier to eat this way. Great one to contribute to s
In most of the reading I have done on raw food one the ideas that is prominent is that of the presence of enzymes in the food and the destruction of those enzymes by raising the temperature (cooking) and hence that food no longer being 'living'.
I decided to try again with green smoothies to increase my green leafy intake. I'd given up making them some months ago as I disliked the 'grainy-ness'. Just too chunky for me to enjoy. All the vids showed lovely smooth well blended greens. Mine ha
So...feeling a little nervous right now...but excited too! This afternoon is my first class of a 5 year chiropractic course. What life changes have you made since going 811?
I used to love to eat cooked spinach and have at times had raw spinach as a green for my salad but not as often as I thought I would - I find it a bit tough and tasteless to eat enough of it. But tonight after I washed it I started to scrunch it dry.
It is now about two and a half weeks since i used shampoo/conditioner. Hair is soft but not as shiny as I am used to. I have been washing with water each day and have used lemon twice in that time. This morning I decided to 'bite the bullet' and not
Every now and again I just dont feel like eating a huge salad. But the other day as i wandered through the fruit and veg shop I suddenly had a craving for green beans! I love green beans and can happily munch my way through half a kg plus
had an interesting morning! Found a nearby GP who advertises a speciality of nutrition. I have found 'gaps' in my health that after reading these posts and discussions and further research have lead me to self supplement (which has helped
I am pasting a link that reports a study of what happened to rats when fed a high fat diet. In summary - fatty foods damaged the hypothalamus region of the brain in rodents. The hypothalamus produces hormones that control hunger, thirst, sleep, moods
I am looking into B12 and have only found sublingual methylcobalamin combined with extra folate and B6. According to cronometer I am having no problems getting sufficient folate or B6. Is Methylcobalamin available on its own or is it always comb
I have been using cronometer and notice that my daily Vitamin A levels are very high. As it is a fat soluble vitamin I am wondering if any of the long-termers have had any issues as I cant see that if I follow the811 recommendations that it is goin
One of the things that I have not gotten used to is the increased urinary frequency since starting 811. I am guessing there is no way around this...that its just the way my body wants to respond to this way of eating.
I was 'googling' for some info on amino acids and found this website - It has great breakdown data on everything I have so far plugged into it!
Does anyone go hiking regularly? I have been planning on doing a 3 day hike at some point. I have started to try to figure out how to do this on an 80/10/10 diet! Would this be a situation where dehydrated foods would have to be used? Any suggestions
I stopped eating meat about 10 weeks ago, initially transitioning to high fat raw and then 80/10/10 a week ago. The reading I have done suggests that B12 is supposed to be made by bacteria in the gut...that is assuming one has a balanced