chocolatey's Discussions (12)

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hi everyone... 

so like freelee, every time she finishes a meal she gets a massive food baby, but in her video her stomach returns to the perfectly flat and toned state by the time she eats the next meal.

but ive noticed that the ONLY time that my stom

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dried fruits????

so i searched up and found that dried fruits (with no added ingredients) & fresh fruits have the same nutritional contents, so does the guideline of unlimited fruits apply to dried fruits as. well? (bc i couldnt stop eating them)ps. does anyone know

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eating out & fresh fruits???

i was wondering how do you guys have a raw fruity meal when you're out?? do u bring loadsssss of bananans/fruits with u or blend it in a smoothie? or do u eat like salads? i dont want to look weird by bringing hell loads of would the ban

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period is abnormal & vegan?!

hi, so i would like to know if going HCLF vegan before my period comes back would be a good idea/will it affect it from coming back? i had my period stopped back in April when i fell into anoerxia/sudden weight loss and had just took medicine 2 weeks

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hi as freelee stated eating fruits after a cooked meal will cause indigestion and fermentation and is bad for the body, but how long after eating a cooked meal could we have fruits again? 4 hours? or how long? 


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so i really want to go HCLF vegan but my mom is standing in the way and forcing me to eat fish because she thinks if i eliminate fish from my diet it will stunt my growth (i am 16 and 5'1"). is it true that going vegan before growth ends will affect

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IM NEW how to ease into this lifestyle

ive been loving and eating all sorts of animal products ever since i was born, but had just recently discovered that my body is intolerable of a bunch of food: dairy, eggs, gluten, yeast, soy just to name a few. ive been trying to eliminate such stuf

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