We regretfully advise you that The Frugivore Diet (formely 30 bananas a day) will be shutting down in 24 hours. I (Freelee, the creator of the site) have paid over $1200 a year to keep the site up since 2009. Unfortunately, I simply cannot continue t
so i was thinking a good way to support you on your frugivore/HCRV journey is to have a 30 day challenge and what better time to kick off then Jan 1st 2021! i have been on board the frugivore diet since April 1st (and fruit-based for 14 years) and i
would love to hear how you went after 30 days on the frugivore diet. please lettuce know in the comments. the struggles, the successes etc. and congratulations!
it's nearly time for the 30 day frugivore challenge! it's good to get clear about why you are doing this and write it down to help your conviction. please share here what motivated you to want to eat a raw food diet. what health challenges do you wan
i figured this discussion would be beneficial as you head into your 30 day frugivore diet challenge. please add below why YOU are choosing fresh living food now instead of cooked.
i have been a fruit-based vegan for 14 years on Januar
welcome fellow frugivore! it's great to have you here on the new site. this site was formerly known as "30 bananas a day" and that URL will still bring you here. i created 30 bananas a day back in 2009 and have spent about $8000 on the site
We have been discussing this for a while and have decided a separate 'Raw till 4' forum on 30BaD is a good move. We fully believe in the success of the RT4 lifestyle and have seen it work for many people. We are also going to allow RT4
You can get a 10% discount on these bowls if you put 'freelee' into the coupon code. I really enjoy eating out of them and find the big watermelon bowl the best investment as it is large enough to hold my big meals. Here is a video I made about them
I know some of you were interested in the new 'raw till 4' program so I started a support group on Facebook. You can join the 30 day challenge by following this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/rawtill4/ (we have about 350 members so far